Work At Home Dad
“A Full Time Father to My Kids!”

So you are keen to know the person behind the scene...

Hi, I am Nitin Ranjan, a work at home Dad, your virtual friend and the voice of this wonderful website.

I am no different from you. I am a family man who lives with his parents, a lovely wife and two amazing kids. I am an Engineer + MBA by education and a Super-Dad by profession!!!

Boy playing on dad's shoulderWork at Home Dad with his son Pratham

Super-Dad… sounds interesting, right? Actually I am a full time Dad to my kids because of the nature of work I have chosen. Having worked for 7 years in the corporate world helped me gain enough professional experience and domain knowledge that I decided to go on my own. Today, I work full time on this website (more to come!) besides occasional freelance consulting services. Due to the support of my family and friends I am living my life on my own terms, moving towards my goals, realizing my dreams, living my passion and most importantly, cherishing the golden years of my kids.

As a kid, one thing I was passionate about was-playing games. Be it indoor, outdoor, sports or video games… literally anything used to stick! And the passion has not subsided a bit, just that the central character has changed. My son Pratham has replaced me.

Nitin ShwetaWork at Home Dad with his wife Shweta

Courtesy my father’s job and my education I have had the opportunity to live in various cities, been to a number of schools, attended unforgettable birthday parties, made many friends and off course played countless games. Therefore, through the medium of this website I share the ideas of many kid’s games that I have played myself as a child and still enjoy them now with my kids. Me & Shweta (my better half) have done extensive research, used the experiences and feedback of our friends and cousins living in various countries to get these invaluable gems for you.

Last but not the least; I am heartily thankful to you for visiting and supporting my website. I trust you would find the Kids Games Ideas, Reviews & Recommendations given on my website very useful. If so, kindly spread the word among your social and family circle using the links below and encourage me to delight you every time you visit my website. Contact me without any hesitation for any feedback and queries. I would be more than elated to get back to you.

Keep Smiling!

Nitin Ranjan

New Delhi, India.

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